2005 Winners of Mandarin Oratory Contest
The Mandarin Oratory Competition was held on Saturday, October 1, 2005 at
the University of Richmond (UR). Students from the universities as well as
three Chinese Schools in Central Virginia competed for honor and prizes.
Competition was organized by Rose Tan, Director of Chinese Language Program
at UR. Winners were recognized on October 9 at the Closing Award Ceremony:
I) Heritage Learners' Group
First Place-Wei Wang (University of Richmond)
Second Place-Emily Zhang(Central Virginia Chinese School at West End)
Third Place-Jessie Li (Central Viriginia Chinese School at Southside)
Third Place -Darice Xue (Central Virginia Chinese School at Southside)
Honorable Mention:
John Yi (Central Virginia Chinese School at West End)
Shanna Su (Central Virginia Chinese School at West End)
Tony Sun (Central Virginia Chinese School at West End)
William Liang (Central Virginia Chinese School at Southside)
II) Non Heritage Learners' Group
First Place -Drew Pierson (University of Richmond)
Second Place-Stephanie Johnson (University of Richmond)
Third Place-Robert Cole (University of Richmond)
Honorable Mention:
JC Heinbockel (University of Richmond)
Alex Woie (University of Richmond)